Sonic Victoria Testnet​
ClayStack and our dedicated community place great importance on thorough testing and incorporating valuable feedback. To achieve this, we have established Victoria testnet as the platform for testing new features. This marks the fourth iteration of our testnet, providing users with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with our protocol.
To participate in testing Sonic on the testnet or capped mainnet, users need to be whitelisted. To be eligible for whitelisting, users must meet one of the conditions outlined below:
Hold ClayNFT: Users can obtain a ClayNFT by either engaging in a game or acquiring it directly from Opensea.
Hold 100 sAVAX or 500 csMATIC on the mainnet: Users meeting this criterion gain immediate access to Sonic.
To access ClayStack Victoria Sonic, please visit: https://victoria.claystack.com/exchange